
Favoring the Fig Leaf

In the beginning, when great innocence reigned, and fellowship with God was constant and normal, good and evil didn’t have residence in dust-made human flesh.

Without an ear to listen to that loudest of deadly sounds, the knowledge of good and evil didn’t have a voice.

But when that moment came, that moment of large enough doubt to tempt Eve to believe that God was holding out something desirable, something to “make one wise,” it happened: the knowledge of good and evil found an ear. An ear where its powerful and loud voice would lead to death by shame.

Shame requires a cover and cover, we do.

Most of us, like the Galatians, start out with and enter into, the finished shame-covering work of Christ, but then something changes. A some one, peddling filthy rags, a titillating false gospel, often gains our attention and we conclude, “I really can be made perfect by the flesh.”

We feel in control and this makes us feel better.  We may even recommend our self-willed filthy rags to our own circle of influence.

But let’s move forward Dearest Beloved! Let’s embrace the Lamb slain from the foundation of the earth in such a believing way that no one peddling filthy rags can move us. Let’s settle at His feet and eat, and drink of Him to find our life.



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