Articles,  Burnout

When God Takes You Off Your Throne

It’s not easy to be your own God. Think of all the variables you must foresee, have access to, manipulate and mold to your best interest. It’s a heavy task. So heavy, in fact, you will be emotionally and spiritually spent at the end of most days. You will sink onto your sofa for some distraction, take something to help you sleep, and wake up the next day with the same dilemma:

If I can’t trust God, I have to trust myself.

But wait! Because you are the Lord’s beloved, the day will come when He relieves you of those fragile substitutes. One by one, they must be exposed for the nothings they are. Knowing beyond challenge that your Lord can be trusted, requires this painful undoing. Only when you reach free-fall and that desperate crying out to Him can you allow the Lord to catch you.

And yes, He will catch you!


“All thought, cleverness, knowledge, talent and gift-which the world superstitiously worships-must be set aside in order to enable one to trust the Lord wholly. The Lord’s people should persistently acknowledge their own unworthiness and incompetency.”  Watchman Nee

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Follower of Christ, Wife, Mother, Grandmother, Author, Teacher.


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